Course curriculum

    1. Module 1 - Video Lesson

    2. Business Model Canvas - Presentation (notes)

    3. Assignment 1: Filling in your Business Model Canvas (BMC) & a short survey

    1. Module 2 - Video Lesson

    2. Module 2: Value Proposition & Design Thinking Presentation (Notes)

    1. Module 3 - Video Lesson

    2. Module 3 - Customer segments & acquisition Presentation (Notes)

    3. Assignment 2: Customer Segments & Acquisition

    1. Module 4 - Video Lesson

    2. Module 4 - Product costing & pricing - revenue model Presentation (Notes)

    3. Assignment 3: Product Costing & Pricing

    1. Module 5 - Video Lesson

    2. Module 5 - Marketing & Sales forecast, marketing plan & strategy, and channels Presentation (Notes)

    3. Additional Resource: Sales Pipeline Presentation

    1. Module 6 - Video Lesson

    2. Module 6 - Financial projections Presentation (Notes)

About this course

  • 6 x €25,00
  • 22 lessons
  • 9 hours of video content