About this Module

At the end of our Entrepreneurship Bootcamp, we offer an opportunity for entrepreneurs to pitch in front of our pool of investors. This module, therefore, prepares you to pitch right and gain the attention of the investors. You'll learn how to craft your story, highlighting key points that investors look for, to gain investors' attention and get the funding that you need.

What You'll Learn

By the end of this module, you will have learnt:

  • What a pitch deck is

  • What to include in your pitch deck

  • How to craft a story that flows

  • What to look out for when pitching

  • How to present yourself to investors

Course curriculum

    1. Module 9 - Pitch practise course

    2. Module 9 - Pitch Preparatipon & Story Telling

About this course

  • €25,00
  • 2 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

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